Pregnancy Loss and Grief Support

You are not alone.
One of every 4 women experiences a miscarriage or abortion in her life.
Give Yourself The Gift of Support
Intense grief is a natural response after your baby dies, however every person's experience of grief is different. You and your partner have a right to grieve in your own ways and at your own pace. There is no right or wrong way to feel during this time; any feelings you may have are okay.
Grief may affect you both physically and emotionally. You may notice frequent changes in mood and that you cry often and easily. It is natural to replay events in your mind and wonder what could have been different.
You may feel
Lonely or isolated, thinking that others do not understand your feelings
Worried this will happen again
Guilty or responsible
Fragile and not able to manage
You may also feel
You are 'losing your mind' and simple things don't make sense anymore
You are 'living in a fog'
You are unable to cope with ordinary everyday tasks and have difficulty concentrating, remembering things, or making decisions
You have a desire to be alone and avoid even close family or friends
The future holds no hope or joy
I want you to know that you are not alone.
Sister, I have been there too.
I have lost two pregnancies in my life, and know the importance of facing this grief to fully let it go and not carry it forward. one of which was deeply traumatizing and brought me to my knees in deep surrender. I have never felt so vulnerable in my life as I did then. I am deeply grateful for all it has taught me, and for all the tools and support that were available to me at that time.
I am here to share some of these tools with you.
My invitation is....

Nourishment For Your Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit
How I Can Support You/How Can I Support You?/What Type Of Support is Right For You Now?
This Is For You If You Are......and want to .... :
are you wondering how to move forward?
Do you want to (transformational statement/pain to positive)
know how to get through each day...without....
I Offer Custom Support Packages/Some of the Experiences I Include to Support You May Include:
1:1 confidential, non-judgmental safe container to show up as you are, no matter what
Somatic Counselling to Support You with How Your Body is Holding Your Experience
Guided Meditations to Support Your Nervous System
Personal Herbal Care Package
Nutritional Recommendations for Deeper Nourishment
Yoni Steaming Coaching For Deep Healing (optional)
Customized Ritual Support
- Couples Support for You and Your Partner (optional)
I bring doula training, herbalism, kundalini yoga and meditation, wisdom tradition leadership...(show credibility)